Saturday, September 29, 2012

Habit Forming

"It's been a while! A lot has happened in the past year. For one, I went to live in Spain for three incredible months. I've learned a lot more than just Spanish while I was there. I think I've learned, like REALLY learned the importance of the concept of "today."

I'm usually such a planner. I try to think of how I want my future to be or things that I want to eventually do. But "planners" are just dreamers. Dreams think up dreams. And dreams without action are just make believe. I have a nice little future built up in my dreams, but until I do the actions, it's just make believe.

I met some truly incredible people in Spain that inspire me. Now that we've all split when we came home from Europe, I miss them dearly. They won't be easily forgotten. I just knew in the back of my mind that I would see some of them again one day.

One day? Which day? Some day in the future? Well, here's an idea - how about TODAY, you "planner" you."

-Me 2/6/2011

I started this blog to show my own self improvement and growth.  I've only published one post.

That stuff up there was supposed to be my second post, and obviously I didn't get around to finishing it or posting it.

"Didn't get around to it. Didn't get around to it. Didn't get around to it."  (So much for that TODAY talk I mentioned up there, huh?)

Habits and habit-forming are powerful things.  A person could wake up at 5 in the morning and run 20 miles without thinking if that is his/her habit.

No problem.

One could wake up, cook, clean, drop the kids off, shop, cook again, pick the kids up, clean again, cook again, all while having a part time job and part time college classes if that is his/her habit.

No problem.

One can also wake up late, go back to sleep, and wake up later staring at the ceiling all day day after day if that is his habit.

No problem...

Habits are things you do without thinking. They're actions that your body does time and time again to where the action isn't even a thought.  You practice your habits every day.

I want to make blogging or documenting my life a habit. The only way I can do that is to DO IT. TODAY not later.

In that post I started in Feb '11, I talked about how I'm such a planner... Such a dreamer...

I still am.

That is my habit. I'm GREAT at thinking about what I can do and where I can end up. That is my current habit.  It's also a problem to a degree.

"You can dream a little dream or you can live a little dream. I'd rather live it because dreamers always chase but never get it." -Aesop Rock

Actions are required to make dreams a reality. I feel like I don't act.  Or if I am acting, I'm going VERY slowly.

Why don't I act?

To be honest, I do "act" to a degree, but I don't act to my full potential. I don't even think I act to half of my potential.

So why don't I act?  Good question.

Hmm... Maybe?...

  • I feel I'm such a perfectionist at times. It is easy for me to start a million things.  As I go along, I find it hard to make final decisions.  When I have a prototype or demo of something I'm working on, I don't feel it is good enough.  Since it's not good enough, I work hours upon hours to try to make it good enough. It never gets there in my eyes, even with all the hard work. That has made me lazy because I see it coming--the hours of fruitless work... and that discourages my action. This has happened time and time again. Habit.
  • Does life get in the way?  I do have some massive things going on in my life, and it's easy for me to play victim and say that those things prevent me from acting.  I literally can't talk details of the massive things going on in my life, but take my word on it--They aren't ordinary, they seem brutally eternal, and they take jabs at my spirit.  I'm not sure that's a good enough excuse to prevent me from acting.  There must be a way to turn "life got in the way" to "life happened along the way."  I'm very used to life getting in the way of my dreams. I let them prevent me from action often. Habit.

  • Perhaps I'm scared?  I don't feel scared. Being scared is no way to live. I truly believe that. IF I'm scared, it must be hidden deep in my subconscious.

So I leave my work and passions unfinished. I'm a perfectionist, I'm lazy, I'm a planner, I'm a dreamer, I allow life to get in the way, and perhaps I'm scared.

....These are my habits. I'm great at them, I do them everyday. It's clockwork. It requires no thinking.

There is a word that I want to add to my habit list...