Wednesday, November 14, 2012

This Present Moment Is Sooo "8 Minutes Ago"

"The past is strapped to our backs. We do not have to see it; we can always feel it." ~Mignon McLaughlin

It's 7:08 am.

You see the sunrise peeking out over the distance, and it lights your 7:08-in-the-morning world.

I remember learning in elementary school that it takes sunlight about 8 minutes or so to travel across the galaxy to reach our planet.

So that sun that you see at 7:08 am is actually the sun that existed at 7 am.

In a way, when you look at the sun, you're looking into the past--You're seeing how the sun was 8 minutes ago. And that sun of the past is what lights our entire present world.

Is there some sort of lesson here?

I feel it's important to not be defined by your past just because it's your past. However, the past has lit the way our present.

I used to weigh 280 pounds. How'd I get to that point?  I got there by the immediate past.  I never exercised and I ate lots and lots of bad food.  Those were the past habits of my husky 280 pound self.

Then I lost weight and got down to 180 pounds. How'd I get there? I got there by the immediate past.  I watched what I ate, chose better foods and exercised multiple times a week. Those were the past habits of my leaner 180 pound self.

Now I am back up to 230.  It's no surprise that I got back up to this point in my weight. My current immediate past is back to the habits of the old 280 pound me from years ago.

My present will soon be the past, so it's important to make my immediate past a good one--that will have meant that my present was good too.

Mistakes happen. They become a part of the past. Don't be defined by them--learn from them. And don't forget them so the next time they come around, you'll be ready. Forgive yourself if you have mistakes in your past, but don't block them out.

With a healthy immediate past, odds are you have a healthy present.

Also, take a look into the night sky. See all those stars? I wonder if any of them are a thousand lightyears away.   That would mean that you are looking a thousand years into the past at a star that might not even exist anymore, right? Kinda cool!