Thursday, December 20, 2012

You're Odd? Well, That's Okay.

"Every society honors its live conformists and its dead troublemakers." - Mignon McLaughlin

There can be a lot of pressure to fit in with the crowd.

Maybe it's just human nature, but people tend to fear what appears odd or different.  People can make the odd ones feel bad and out of place.

It's just that though--they CAN make the odd ones feel bad if the odd ones allow it.  But, that's not the way it has to be.

If an odd one isn't negatively affected and hindered by the words of the crowd, then great things can happen.

Ignore the crowd and believe in yourself.

I think it's important to respect the crowd and to hear them out. But, don't let them make your decisions just because.

Understand that they only critique an existing world.  It's hard to comprehend something new that hasn't been thought of yet.  And that fear of the unknown can keep the crowd slamming on fresh thinkers.

Odd ones think of the unthinkable ideas--the ideas that the crowd doesn't think of due to conformist restraints.

But don't be odd JUST to be odd.  That's conforming in itself, and it's very phony.

If you have a huge passion, and a great idea that doesn't fit society's status quo, then that doesn't mean you have to abort your mission.

If you have enough faith in what you are doing, even if you are alone and are the only one that can see the magic of your weirdness, then protect your weirdness from the crowd.  Give your weirdness a chance. Don't let the crowd's misunderstanding of you wither out your special, unique, one-of-a-kind weirdness.

Weird people change the world, but only if they ignore the negativity of the crowd.

"Here's to the crazy ones." - Steve Jobs