Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Hooray For Contradictions

"Do I contradict myself? Very well, then I contradict myself, I am large, I contain multitudes." - Walt Whitman

Can you love something for a very specific reason, and hate it for the exact same reason?

Could a  clear-canvas, unbiased mind listen to a republican give a spiel and agree with their points?
Could that same mind listen to a democrat's spiel and also agree with their complete opposite arguments?

Can you agree with both on an issue? Can you disagree with both on the exact same issue while simultaneously agreeing with it?

I think so. It's a contradiction, and I don't care.  I see contradictions all the time. Guess what... The world doesn't implode because of the paradox.  The world continues on housing contradictions as it turns.

It's so easy for the human brain to render clashing valid arguments as completely invalid.

Is something wrong with accepting a paradoxical mentality sometimes?

People have a hard time accepting that. They grab their pencils and papers and try to figure out what's logical. If they can't understand it, then it must be wrong.

What if two sides are wrong and right at the same time? Make sense? No it doesn't. But, maybe that's okay because contradiction is nature.

People have the ability to shape themselves into any shape. If the world provides round holes, you could become the square peg.  Or maybe you become something that doesn't even resemble a peg.

If people adopt a trait 'here', an attribute 'there'... a habit from 'up', and a feature from 'down'... then maybe a person will become a unique one-of-a-kind entity--one that is self-contradictory perhaps.

Others can have a hard time accepting anything contradictory, so they will begin to bash and tear you down. They want you to make sense. They will shape you to fit the world's "round holes."

I don't see much wrong with celebrating your individual thoughts, ideas and feelings. Even if they don't all make sense with one another.

If heaven is the unstoppable force and hell is the immovable object, then earth is what happens when the two collide.. And we live on earth.