Monday, March 8, 2010

First Blog Evar!

"Use your talent (everybody has one) in anyway you can. Don't keep it for yourself like a miser - spend it like a millionaire!" -Lucy MacDonald

I'm such a lucky person.

My whole life, I've generally been a contagiously happy person. I've always been quick to cheer people up, and I am a pretty darn-tootin good listener. I'm not trying to toot my own horn (haha, I typed "toot" in two consecutive sentences), but these are things that I've been told. My philosophy on life has pretty much always been, "Smile and laugh, no matter what."

Well, it may come as a bit of a shock to those who've known me since grade school. I'm pretty down right now. This is the lowest I've ever felt. I suppose I can't go into detail for the purpose of protecting others, but just know things are not too good. I'm definitely not depressed; I'm too positive to ever fall into depression. But, it has kind of been hard to "smile and laugh, no matter what." Life just seemed to get in the way of that.

I spend a lot of time alone here in San Marcos, and I find myself just sitting and thinking a lot. Sometimes, that's a bad idea. It's easy to get trapped in your own thoughts, and you can sometimes convince yourself that untruths are actually real. I think I'm doing that way too often. The me of 7 years ago would be slapping me in the face if he knew how foolish I've been unnecessarily submerging and drowning myself in negativity.

I didn't start a blog to vent and complain. That's not what I'm about. I've actually started a blog to document my life. I feel like the days are just falling off the calendar, and I am losing track of what's happening. No big deal, I suppose. It's only my life that I'm not remembering! Since I consider myself at a bit of a low at the moment, I figure documenting a rise would be a pretty cool thing to do. That's definitely what's going to happen; a rise. I have some pretty big plans in store for my immediate future, and It'd be nice if I didn't forget them as they happen!!!

I also want to use this blog to focus on how amazing my life actually is. I plan to post blogs that just explain how I feel about people in my life. I've been blessed to know some incredible people. I am so lucky, fortunate and blessed to be in the position I am in. I have a lot going for me, and I have it better off than most of the planet.

Hopefully, this blog will inspire others to see the good in their lives as well! We all have good and bad things happen to us, there's not much we can do about it. But, killing yourself over the bad, and pretending the good doesn't exist is just silly. Silly silly. Silly silly silly silly.

You know what? This post is waaayyy to serious. It won't happen again, honest. My next blog will be wayyy cooler! To compensate for the mood of this blog, watch this!!!:

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