Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Think in the Long Term

"You must have long term goals to keep you from being frustrated by short term failures." - Charles C. Noble

You have a headache? Take a pill. You're headache will vanish.

You overweight? If you go on a grapefruit only diet, you'll lose 20 pounds in two weeks. Problem solved.

Feel insecure? I bet if you talk negatively of people, you'll feel much better because you bring them down to your level.

But guess what... The headache comes back, the weight comes back, and the insecurities are still there.

You've fixed no problems.. Often the result of small thinking.

Why not think bigger? Why not thing larger?

Short term goals can be a good thing at times, but I feel like history repeats itself in that real success is all about long term goals and the relentless small steps that get you there.

Quick fixes don't really solve problems, they just cover it up momentarily.

I once went on a no-carb diet for a summer. I lost 40 pounds in a little over a month. I gained it right back plus more.

I didn't fix my real problem which was my lifestyle.  Bad habits were already formed.  Anyone can break a habit for a month, as I did. But replacing old habits by forming new ones is more of a long term goal. That's where my success really was in eventually losing weight.

To change habits and live healthier is a long term goal.  My weight didn't get put on in 1 month, so it shouldn't come off that fast either.

But by making little changes in my lifestyle, and seeing my true goal, it wasn't too difficult in hindsight.

Eat healthier, smaller portions, exercise, don't binge eat... That's how I lost weight. No magic diet, no magic pill. Over time, the weight came off, and I felt better.

A healthier body is one way to gain a bit of self esteem, but a healthy mind is more important for that.

If you feel small compared to others out there, then you shouldn't hate them. Hate will make YOU feel worse. "The more you love, the less you hate."

A surefire way to help yourself is by taking inspiration from ANYWHERE you find it.  If someone's talents or life is making you feel jealous, why not change that "jealousy" to "inspiration?"

...Or you could just slam them, and try to bring them down to make yourself feel better.... Nah.

Use the inspiration to grow yourself into a beast of a person easily comparable to those that could have been target for your jealousy. That'd help some self esteem, huh?

Congratulate them. Give them credit. Learn from them for better or worse... But, don't bring them down.

Building a tower is a long term goal. It's more difficult, yet rewarding. Job well done!
Destroying someone's tower to make yourself feel better is small and weak. And you won't feel better, really.

Long term, long term, long term. No quick fixes.

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