Friday, July 19, 2013

Be Seen Today, Especially If You're Not Ready

"You can have the best product in the world, but if you don't know how to sell it, it's a waste of time." - Arnold Schwarzenegger

I have a huge problem.  I am a perfectionist.

I don't finish projects because they aren't perfect.  I am reluctant to start new projects because I know that it will be an endless amount of work that I won't ever be satisfied with. Therefore, completion of the work will never come.

That has to stop.

I've heard a great quote:
"Great art isn't completed--It's abandoned."

I feel like I need to pay more attention to that.

I think a huge lesson I have learned, but keep forgetting, is that I have to produce content. I have to produce relentless amounts of content.

Of all the supposed content that I should be releasing, none of it will be perfect.  Lots of it won't be great.  I have to accept that.

But the important thing is to keep dishing it out. Improvement comes with practice, hence why the content must be a non-stop outflow.

If somebody produces 10 things a week, and 2 of them are good, then TWO of them are good! That's a good thing.

It's better than not producing anything at all waiting for it to be perfect.

If you are waiting for "the perfect time" to lose weight, or begin something that you've been wanting to do for a while, that perfect time will never come.

If you want to produce youtube videos, but don't own a good enough camera, then use your sub par camera. Use your less than perfect cam, and get busy.

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