Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Graduate And Move On

“Fear is the glue that keeps you stuck. Faith is the solvent that sets you free.” - Shannon L. Alder

Don't plan forever.

I know some people that want to be in school forever, especially when recently graduated from college.

I have nothing against wanting to learn forever, even if that means taking classes at age 60, but school is supposed to be those learning years--the stages in life where you develop certain skills to be used elsewhere later in life.

School is preparation.

Graduating means "no more preparation, it's time to perform."  And that is scary!

It's important to move on from that though. You can't stay in a frame of mind where you just want to prepare forever JUST BECAUSE it gives you something to do for the time being.

Take what you learn, and show the world.

Plans can be very important, but doing them forever is pointless.

Maybe just maybe you've learned enough to sustain yourself and grow.  Have faith in yourself

Graduate... Then move on.

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